About Us

Warrior Label is a company that was created to honor and celebrate everyday warriors facing battles that many of us never dreamed we would. We are a community of people that have chosen to believe that our stories are powerful, and of great value.  Like you, my story has many parts, but when I step back, I can see that through each part winds a beautiful thread of hope and resiliency.  


A few years ago I came down with a terrible virus that left me quite sick for many weeks. I attempted to go back to my work as a teacher, but did not last long and was diagnosed a few months later with ME/CFS. Transitioning from being a healthy, active individual, and working as a professional, to being unable to get out of bed, drive, or even make my own meals for months on end, was incredibly difficult. I learned quickly that physical illnesses do not only impact your body, but also your mental health, relational health, and emotions. 


 While I am no longer house bound, those years and months revealed a deep strength in me that I hadn’t known existed before. Just choosing to continue the fight by getting out of bed, day after day, developed great resilience.  


Three years into this journey, I have more hope and health than I ever expected. This is largely due to the incredible community I have around me cheering me on. It is partly because of the healing nature of community, that Warrior Label was created.


Warrior label was created for Warriors who continue to show up, one day at a time.


We are here to acknowledge your bravery, sit with you in your grief, and rejoice in your victories. We all have stories that hold a piece of hope for someone else fighting. I hope that in sharing a piece of my story, you will believe that there is hope for you, and receive comfort in the fact that you are not alone.


With love,


Our Origins


Warrior Label was established in 2018 with the purpose to acknowledge, honor and celebrate all warriors, no matter where they are at in their journey.  

We are a brand of apparel designed to spark conversation and create community through having people wear a piece of their story. In choosing fabric that warms and envelops the body, to creating designs that resonate with those who are warrior-ing on through their journeys of struggle, compassion, care and acknowledgement are infused into every part of our brand.

Part of our heritage includes a special spot towards infant loss. In 2017, a person quite significant to the Warrior community, gave birth to her daughter Kate, still. A loss too great to imagine. That is why every September 14th, on Kate’s birthday, we celebrate her legacy by continuing to bring awareness to those who have suffered from infant loss. 


Giving Back


One of Warrior Label’s core values is giving back. We are committed to giving 10% of our profits to charities that provide support to individuals and families going through adversity. We often take nominations for such charities and periodically ask our customers to help choose where these profits will go. We change the charities we support twice a year.  

If you have any questions about our giving back efforts, or would like us to consider a particular charity to support, please email us at hello@warriorlabel.com.